During the period from November 22 to December 7, 2023, 3 National Competition of Business Ideas “Digital Business” took place in Moldova, Georgia and Armenia. These great events reunited more than 600 people from practically all backgrounds: academic, political, business, or civil society.
The National Competitions of Business Ideas “Digital Business” is part of a larger project, “Connecting universities-industry through smart entrepreneurial cooperation and competitive intelligence of students in Moldova, Georgia and Armenia”/CONNECT. Reference number: 617393-EPP-1-2020-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, funded by the European Commission – Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture – within the Erasmus+ programme starting from 2021, the whole duration of the project is 3 years.
The CONNECT project aims at reinforcement of university-industry relationship based on smart (multidimensional) entrepreneurial approach in higher education institutions from Eastern Partnership countries and enhancement of students’ and graduates’ competitive intelligence (behaviors, skills, mindsets) and their ability to create jobs.
All 3 events represented a symbiosis between the benefits of more than 108 business ideas presentations, mixed with the captivating presentations of the speakers from top national and international companies, as well as positive and enthusiastic emotions.
The winners of the competition received cash prizes of 20,000 lei, while the second and third-place winners each received 10,000 lei in Moldova and valuable prizes in Armenia and Georgia.
In Moldova, the event resonated with music, lively networking, and a captivating jazz concert featuring Moldova’s finest artists.
Competitions and gifts from sponsors added an extra layer of excitement, ensuring that “Digital Business” became a truly unforgettable experience!
Office Oficiul Erasmus+ Moldova
This event was organized under the “Tech Clusters powered by MITP” Program, with the support of the Future Technologies Project, funded by USAID, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.
1. USAID Moldova
2. Embassy of Sweden in Chisinau
3. UK in Moldova – British Embassy Chisinau
4. Innovate Moldova
5. Moldova Innovation Technology Park Digital Park
Sponsors and partners of the event:
Strategic partner: Moldcell
VIP partners: “Liceul Socrate”; Academylevelup; Image Marketing Moldova; Moldtelecom
Project partners: Organizația pentru Dezvoltarea Antreprenoriatului; Moldova Innovation Technology Park; Draexlmaier; @Mediacor
Gift partners: Skillbox; GeekBrains; Proxidei – Marketing Agency; EcoFM; Vocea Basarabiei Radio / TV; Wine Crime.
To see how the event took place, come on in – Promo video Moldova